Monday, 24 December 2012

Ten New Year’s Resolutions To Live By.

2011 was a year of many things. Joy, adventure, sadness, tears, laughter, routine, the unexpected and everything else in-between. For me anyway! I’ve decided to write ten resolutions that will make 2012 a success, even in the smallest areas. After all, greatness can be achieved in the most everyday ways.

1. Expect The Unexpected

If you have an open mind, 2012 will not disappoint. Don’t let expectation ruin what may just turn out to be an incredible ride - if you let it.

2. Be Your Own Best Friend

If I’ve learnt nothing in my life, it’s that when it truly comes down to it - you have to be your own best friend. You are your own personal cheer squad. You have plenty of people in life who you don’t like, have conflict with, argue with and don’t get along with. If one of those people is yourself, you’re going to be in for a very uncomfortable life.
Learn how to compliment yourself. It’s not arrogant, or self-involved - it’s necessary! After you’ve gotten dressed for the day and are ready to walk out the door, get yourself in front of a mirror, check your fine self out and say “Hey YOU! Glad to be showing this face to the world today!” Even just a silent smile to the mirror will do. It’s amazing what a smile can do for your spirits!

3. Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

So many things in life can get you down - don’t let one of those things be you. You have to live with you!! If you ate that piece (four pieces) of cake, didn’t go for a run this week, or didn’t finish a project, don’t beat yourself up. We’re all human, and every morning that you wake up alive, that’s the universe telling you that you have a brand new shot! If you make a mistake, chalk it up to that day’s events, and once you sleep and wake up the next morning, it’s forgotten! Over! Done! Today is a whole new day - embrace the newness - the new car smell of today!

4. Respond To Those Unread Facebook/Email Messages

Look, let’s be honest, most of us rely on Facebook for our social interactions. If you have a backlog of messages, or wall comments, that you haven’t responded to, do yourself a favour and take fifteen minutes to do it. Not only will it make you feel accomplished as a fabulous internet friend version of yourself, but it’ll remind your mates that even a seemingly silly wall post can mean you’re thinking of them. If we’ve moved from real life interactions, to Facebook, don’t let it degenerate any further. Soon you’ll go from bffs (best friends forever), to bfs (best friends sometimes), to kgs (kinda good friends), to fa (friends apparently), to shdIkyaf (sorry, how do I know you again friends). Noone wants any of that!

5. Call A Family Member At Least Once Every Week!

This people made you, whether physically, or just through influence. If you like what you see in yourself, be sure to make a phone call (YES, a phone call, NOT a text message/email/written message!) to someone in the fam who you’re thinking about. They appreciate it so much, ESPECIALLY if they’re of Grandparental age. They are so special - their life experience and advice is so valuable. Give Nan a call and tell her what you’re up to. She’ll love it, and might just invite you over for one of her amazing roast dinners you love so much.

6. Don’t Be Afraid To Say Yes

Learn to look for those amazing opportunities that will only come to fruition if you say yes! Yes is an incredibly powerful word, especially against its enemies: ambivalence, laziness and fear. Yes will lead to so many wonderful experiences - guaranteed not to have happened, had you chosen to eat Ben & Jerry’s straight from the tub, on the couch, in front of How I Met Your Mother, for the 24th night in a row. (Hey, don’t get me wrong - I love doing JUST that! But, if I’ve made a groove in the couch from my pajama clad butt, it’s time to GET UP!).

7. Don’t Be Afraid To Say No

Yes - you’re allowed to say no. Over-committing yourself, to the point of unhappiness and a never-ending cycle of frenzied running around doesn’t work for anyone. Everyone ends up unhappy. No is also a powerful word, against its enemies: unreasonable obligation and unreasonable expectation. You have to look out for you first - if you don’t, how are you going to fulfill your responsibilities effectively?

8. If People Want To Judge You, Let Them

This resolution is not meant to say “don’t stand up for yourself and let anything people say slide”. So not the case. If the situation calls for you to you open a well thought out and intellectually disarming can of whoop-ass, then by all means, go for it!
BUT, for the day to day little quips, jabs, snarky remarks, jeers, if someone has a problem with what colour you dye your hair, the clothes you wear, the list goes on - don’t waste your energy caring what they think. It’s their problem if they choose to spend time thinking up snaky remarks, or making passing comments, then they’ll be ones wasting valuable energy on something that has no reward.

The same goes for you - if you choose to always acknowledge it, or respond, or spend time fretting over it, you’ll be wasting your time. It’s unproductive, with no positive outcome. If you block out the silly little things, you’ll be happier - and you might even teach that mean person who’s sending negativity your way that not only is it not affecting you, but that it’s really uncalled for and a waste of energy and perfectly good brain space.

9. ALWAYS Make Time For You

If you don’t take care of yourself, then other areas of your life will fall into disarray. Even if it’s just a five minute sit out in the sun, a cup of tea in a quiet place, or spending the three minutes and forty seven seconds blissing out to your favourite song on your iPod, it’s something. If there’s a chance to so something more, like a massage, manicure, whatever it may be, then do it! You’ve gotta keep you happy - and you’re in charge of you, so you can make it happen! :)

10. If You Feel Great, Pass It On!

If you feel great, then that’s fantastic! Let’s make great feeling spread like wildfire. If you love a person’s outfit, tell them. If your friend won their soccer match on the weekend, congratulate them! If your housemate makes you a cup of tea, out of the blue, let them know how thankful you are! It’s the little gestures, the small things, that make everyday life special. Do small things with great love, so says Mother Teresa. Say them with sincerity and honesty - they will be more appreciated than you think!
Well, they’re my ten resolutions to live by. If I had to make an eleventh, it would be - don’t follow anyone else’s rules. Make up and follow your own. That’s the key to happy. :)